Feature Friday: Seminars From Home!

Hey y’all! Guess what I just found this week?! It’s an opportunity to attend preparedness seminars from the comfort of your own home! And you don’t need anything other than your computer (and speakers would be nice if you actually want to hear what they’re saying.) 🙂 Holy moly! Is this just what I’ve been waiting for, or what?! These seminars are hosted by a lady named Kellene Bishop. She is the author of the website ‘Preparedness Pro‘, which I have known about for some time and refer to on a semi-regular basis… so how I never knew about these seminars is beyond me! 🙂 She is a fountain of  preparedness knowledge and I am so excited about these seminars (or ‘webinars’ as she calls them). Each seminar is 2-3 hours and they do cost money to ‘attend’ (usually $7), but so would almost any seminar you go to. You just don’t have to get dressed  up and drive to these ones. 🙂 On that same note, though… since you would be paying for it, I would suggest that you get hubby to take the little ones out of the house or something so that you could watch without distraction and get your full money’s worth. And I believe she’ll also give you ‘handouts’ (via email), with the information from your seminar.

Anyway, there’s a wide variety of great topics, such as: “The Wonderful World of Wheat”; “Food Pantry Makeover”; “Coupon Training Boot Camp”, “Solar Ovens”, etc.  I’m definitely going to be attending a bunch of these and I’ll pass on what I can, but I know a lot of her stuff is copyrighted, so I can only do so much in that arena. So if you feel like expanding your preparedness knowledge, check out her website and consider some of these seminars. (The next one is tomorrow morning… so don’t delay!) 🙂

Click here for the website: Preparedness Pro

Click here for the Event Schedule and Information: Schedule

Happy Weekend to y’all!