Food Storage: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Howdy all! I just ordered and received my Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and I’m so excited to add it to my wheat to keep those pesky bugs out! But I also wanted to share some information with y’all that came with my order. I ordered my DE from Earthworks Health because it had the best price I could find (including the shipping) for the amount I wanted to order (I got a 10 lb bag). Anyway, they shipped it to me super fast, and when I opened the box there was a slip of paper that had all sorts of good information with uses for DE. I thought I would pass it on for your information and I will just relay their entire flier to you…

“Diatomaceous Earth (DE) has many applications. Some of the things that people are using DE for are as follows:

Everyone loves the fact that DE is totally drug and chemical free. Not only is DE safe to use, bugs can not become immune to its effects like they do with chemicals. DE kills all insects by scratching off their waxy protective coating causing them to dehydrate. Most insects die in an hour or so. Below is a listing of the different ways people are applying the DE:

  1. Dusting on gardens, flowers, plants, bushes, and trees
  2. Applying a 2 inch border around foundation of their house
  3. Sprinkling in and around animal and pet housing.
  4. Pouring on and down ant hills (including fire ants)
  5. Spreading over large areas with a fertilizer spreader or duster
  6. Sprinkling in carpet, furniture, etc to kill infestations
  7. Mixing with water and spraying or whitewashing infested areas
  8. Adding to stored grain or foodstuffs
  9. Dusting in studding during construction to create a permanent bug guard

We continue to get hundreds of reports on how DE takes care of fleas, ticks, mites, etc on the outside and worms and parasites on the inside. This is exciting because DE is non-drug and non-chemical.
People are doing and reporting the following:

  1. Dusting DE on the coats of dogs and cats for flea, tick and lice control
  2. Adding DE to food each day for worm and parasite control
  3. Adding DE to food for joint, skin, and hair coat health
  4. Adding DE to ration to kill fly larvae in manure
  5. Using on birds/poultry for lice and mite control
  6. Applying to moist kennel areas for pest and odor control

Many people, including all of us here at earthworkshealth, are taking food grade DE every day. You might ask, “How can something that kills bugs be good for people?” Remember, DE kills bugs by scratching them–no chemicals are involved. For people, DE is a source of available silica. Silica is a major mineral we all need that is lacking in our foodstuffs today. Most are taking 1 Tablespoon of DE per day in juice, water, pop, applesauce, yogurt, protein shake, or liquid of their choice. After hundreds of feedbacks, this is what we are hearing from people:

  1. Sore joints feeling better
  2. Lower cholesterol (usually 50-75 points lower)
  3. Lowering high blood pressure
  4. Keeping blood sugar levels stable
  5. More energy
  6. Healthier skin: softer, less itching, faster healing, psoriasis gone
  7. Stronger and healthier nails and hair
  8. Calming nerves and better sleep
  9. Aid in weight loss
  10. Cleansing digestive tract of parasites

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. DE is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements are for information purposes only and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, pregnancy or who are nursing are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any nutritional supplement.”